Every Monday night from 7.30 to 10pm come down to the Junction Coffee Shop.
Acoustic set up – back line will be provided if required.
All abilities welcome in our traditional Phoenix/Fiery Bird atmosphere
Entry fee is by donation – whatever you can spare.
Whatever your style or level come join us to watch, listen or indeed to join in the fun.
Tea & coffee will be available.
Microphones will be sanitised after each performance.
To find the Junction Coffee Shop turn left out of the station (town side) and you’ll find it on the right! 18 High St, Woking GU21 6BW
Please take our short survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/R7KXQL2
Showcase nights
We kick off on Sunday 1st May from 1 to 4pm with a Spoken Word Showcase bringing together a wonderful selection of beautiful humans.
Pete Cox an artist, poet and the creator and curator of Innerverse.
Tara Bernadette Egan an expressive poet, thought provoking and instantly relatable.
Then no strangers to the Fiery Bird we welcome Elaine McGinty and Joe Buckley who bring poetry to music.
Elaine is a poet/musician/community activist, Joe is a musician and composer. They started working together in 2010 in the IPO Mob which became Phoenix Chroi, whose songs were based on Elaine’s poetry and in 2019 they started performing as a duo where Joe’s bass lines accompany Elaine’s poetry.