Fiery Bird Venue was Nominated for an Impact Award by Attitude Is Everything!


Fiery Bird Venue was honoured with a nomination for the Attitude is Everything Impact Award. Being recognised alongside renowned venues across the UK is a significant milestone for our organisation.

We were so thrilled to have received this good news. Even a nomination is amazing because accessibility is one of the main values we have built our whole organisation on and to have that recognised by a National organisation that advocates for accessibility is incredible.

We don’t believe equality, inclusion and accessibility are things to be added on once you reach a certain place, income, staff levels, or funding. It always has to be the first basis on which anything we do exists.  

Thanks to our amazing team who provide that welcome no matter where we are or what challenges we meet. Thanks to Attitude is Everything whose groundbreaking work for accessibility to live music for deaf and disabled patrons continues to call us all out on making sure we keep everyone, equally in mind.

Elaine McGinty and Joe Buckley at the Attitude Is Everything Awards.
Fiery Bird Venue officially nominated, name displayed on screen.

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