Phoenix Cultural Centre
Latest News
Culture Recovery Fund Award
We are very excited to hear that we have been awarded Government funding thanks to the DCMS (Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee) Culture Recovery Fund.
Eddie & The Hot Rods, Dept S, Ed Tenpole Tudor
"So, we are moving forward with this, no large building yet, but lots of support and it's all starting to come together. We've been asked to write a blog about how it's come about to this but like most things time is an issue.
Crowdfunding for The Fiery Bird
The Fiery Bird will be launching in 2017. This will be a 1000 person capacity venue in the heart of Woking.
Shenanigans and Stuff
"So, we are moving forward with this, no large building yet, but lots of support and it's all starting to come together. We've been asked to write a blog about how it's come about to this but like most things time is an issue.
Phoenix Cultural Centre At Undercover Festival Bisley Woking
The Phoenix Cultural Centre will be working at this festival helping to run the beer tent stage.
Woking Food and Drink Festival
Ok, we admit it we are a bit tardy putting this up but we are really grateful for David Durant of Brooklands Radio.
Bank Holiday Open Mic Monday
Ok, we admit it we are a bit tardy putting this up but we are really grateful for David Durant of Brooklands Radio.
Brooklands Radio at the Phoenix Cultural Centre
The Phoenix Cultural Centre will be providing live music entertainment for Woking’s first ever Food and Drink Festival taking place on Friday 13th Sept Sat 14 Sept and Sunday 15th Sept.
Some Lovely Woking Writers
Greg and Peter from Woking Writers Circle came to visit us on Monday and wrote an article about our project,
Our petition is online at Woking Borough Council
At today’s date, there are 162 online signatures plus many at least on our paper ones from a couple of events let alone the ones in various locations around town.
Stepping Forward
When you start to walk, it’s in bare feet, then little shoes, then bigger until you can run and not fall over and when you know it’s ok and you will get back up again.